MOVIE GUIDE: Show Me The Picture

The Story Of Jim Marshall (2019)

“… I always have loved cars, guns and cameras. Cars and guns have got me in trouble. Cameras haven’t…”

Jim Marshall

Ok, let’s be brutally honest here. This a very dear dear subject matter to me. I’m a concert

photographer and as such I’ve been always in absolute awe of Jim Marshall’s body of work. To

me he’s like the Big Patron Saint of all music photographers everywhere. The Alpha and the

Omega of our craft. Our Saint Peter, our Michelangelo, our Vermeer…our Picasso. And yes, it

may sound quite an exaggeration but think, just think for five minutes and try to remember 5 of

the most iconic pictures of Rock ( or Blues, or Country ) musicians from the late 60’s through the

early 80’s and I’m pretty sure that at least 3 out those 5 are from Jim Marshall. Not only because

he had a great eye to capture their performances, that’s a given but he had that magic touch of

capturing their soul…and that’s a huge difference. Like all human beings he was flawed (and oh

boy he had that bag filled with them) but he had a great soul, a great heart and he connected

with people…which at the very end is one of the most precious values in any photographer.

“but he had a great soul, a great heart and he connected with people…”

Available on HULU


William Benshimol


I’m nearsighted with a curious eye.
” They were playing their Fenders, I was playing my Nikon” Baron Wolman



ACCENT, METER AND TEMPO: Silent Hill 2 by Akira Yamaoka